Set against the vibrant world of sixties rock 'n' roll, this funny and touching six-part drama follows the lives of 18 year-old twins Ellie and Arden Brookes (Emma Cooke and Gillian Kearney) in the dull and lifeless Manchester backwater of Eccles.
Their home life resembles the repressive fifties rather than the swinging sixties until an encounter with a local band called The Ice Cubes, and the attractive lead singer (Joe McFadden, Crow Road) turns the twins' world upside down.
Torn between the narrow world of their childhood and the liberal atmosphere of rock 'n' roll, the girls find themselves faced with a heady mixture of youthful opportunity, romance and the struggle for independence.
Brought up by their humorless grandmother Irma (Sue Johnston), who's favorite phrase is "I want doesn't get", the twins' lives are strictly regimented. Evenings spent working at the local fish and chip shop (the chippy) are the only escape from her vigilant eyes.
When The Ice Cubes walk into the chippy unleashing their fatal charms on the unsuspecting sisters - the girls' lives are changed forever.
Should Ellie choose the security of marriage with property developer Norman over the fun and excitement of life with a rock 'n' roll band? Will she give into the attraction she feels for lead singer Dallas, even though he is dating her sister?
Will the local talent competition be Arden's ticket out of Eccles? How will she cope when she discovers she is pregnant, and can she convince boyfriend, Dallas, to marry her?
With original songs and specially-written tracks Sex, Chips and Rock 'n' Roll recreates this memorable musical era. The drama is written by Debbie Horsfield, directed by John Woods and produced for Wall to Wall Television by Liz Trubridge.