Good News
Dear all,
A miraculous week (last). Beginner's Luck has made it to the London Film festival, so we are in the process of mounting publicity campaigns and blowing up prints, all is v. exiting... The Festival doesn't start until November sometime, but there is much to do b4 then.
On a personal note one of my sisters is getting married tomorrow, which is also v.v.v.exiting, but I suppose slightly nerve-racking at the same time (a bit like a screening).
So life is pretty good and I feel that 3 years work (the film, not my sister) is finally reaching some form of culmination, whatever that may transpire to be.
I'm still dubbing Blue Dove and so hope it will hit terrestrial screens b4 the year is out (my guess late autumn). Otherwise apart from going up 4 auditions in the usually crucifying manner, we at Late Night (me and Nick and Harriet) and Angel Eye (Richard and James) have been working on our "Slate" (film jargon = next set of movies)... and hope to go into pre-production on at least one of them in February 2002.
Otherwise Happy Saturday all
Love n' blow-ups
James xxxxxxx