10 November 2003 - 13:09h
Long time no surf
Dear all,
Apologies 4 being off line 4 months!!! So in this brief mail I'll tell you that Neha has given birth to a wonderful baby boy called tentatively:
"Joshua Amaan". I've been in Delhi 4 quite some time now and come back to Blightey 4 the odd tit bit of work that's occasionally thrown my way.
Please forgive me not writing in sooner but er you know how it is? I will write a longer mail next week. Glad to see (stunned actually!!) that you're all still very much in touch with each other. I feel very remiss. Love to Lupines all! I should be back in town late JAN 2004 and I'll come 4 a get together if you'll let me. Until Anon Love James xxxxxxx