18 October 2004 - 15:08h
Distant Climes
Dear Darling Lupines all,
I write this from the production office whilst a few people look on 2 c me
viewing this website and think "Get Him!" so... I am in India, Jodhpur to be
exact and am in a film called One Night with the King. It is amazing being here.
The Cast and crew are really, really amazing. Omar Shariff, Peter O'Toole, John
Rhys-Davis,John Noble,Luke Goss to name the very glittering ones first. But the
actors who "we" have not heard so much of yet are totally stella as well. It is
a real honour 2 be in such august company. Guess what? I play the baddie! Encore
un fois! We are filming the Bible story of Esther and we are having a blast.
There it is, otherwise hope you enjoy BSG (I did) and I'll blip in later with a
tale or so from this incredible Desert shoot. Much love Have fun and enjoy. Love
James xxxx