2 June 2007 - 10:55h
Just saw this message - I vaguely remember looking at young mummy - with cute baby - but if my expression stated "Please Don't Approach" - that would have been reserved for the sole benefit of customs and immigration... who wherever I am in the world (maybe on a subconscious level - they've seen my face in a magazine or glimpsed it on t.v - at the time there were slogans or words like "Villain - traitor - treason -") think they've finally got their Man. recent conversation in Vancouver Immigration officer: What was the purpose of your visit to the U.K? Me: Have you seen my Passport (In his hands) - It's a British Passport...
so next time, Although I admit I am not the most gregarious person - when it comes to unexpected encounters, being - can you believe it - on some levels at least - reserved - or private - I will always try to say hello - recently in Cannes I saw a Girl whisper to her friend 'Bridget Jones's Diary" then they both looked at me and I grinned and started nodding - then thumbs up and pointing at my self still nodding - for some reason this caused much merriment.
If you thought I Looked good after the flight I might suggest an eye test - I seem to remember my wife's vision becoming slightly less distinct - after two kids... she thinks I look nice - sometimes as well so there you are.
Have Fun
Love James xxxx